List of all members
Ui::UpdateDialog Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Ui::UpdateDialog:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Ui::UpdateDialog:
Collaboration graph

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_UpdateDialog
void setupUi (QDialog *UpdateDialog)
void retranslateUi (QDialog *UpdateDialog)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ui_UpdateDialog
QAction * actionCancel
QAction * actionSkip
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_2
QWidget * headerContainerLoading
QGridLayout * gridLayout_4
QLabel * labelHeadlineLoading
QWidget * headerContainer
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QLabel * labelHeadline
QLabel * labelIcon
QLabel * labelInfo
QWidget * headerContainerChangelog
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QLabel * labelHeadlineChangelog
QLabel * labelInfoChangelog
QWidget * headerContainerNoUpdates
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QLabel * labelInfoNoUpdates
QLabel * labelHeadlineNoUpdates
QScrollArea * scrollAreaChangelog
QWidget * scrollAreaWidgetContents
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QLabel * labelChangelog
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer_2
QProgressBar * progressBar
QCheckBox * checkAutoDownload
QWidget * buttonContainer
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QToolButton * buttonCancel
QPushButton * buttonCancelLoading
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QPushButton * buttonInstall
QPushButton * buttonConfirm

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